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  • 联 系 人:梁华鹏
  • 联系电话:020****51316;848****6;
  • 联系地址:广州市番禺区石碁镇永善村南路4号三栋301 [查看地图]
当前位置: 广州麦美特食品有限公司 > 机构简介
       广州麦美特食品有限公司为中外(中国和新加坡)合资企业,主要从事中西式果酱、果馅、果粒的研制、生产加工和销售,客户网络遍及全国,同时,我司是蒙牛、伊利、好利来等全国著名的乳业饮品及食品企业的指定长期供应商和合作伙伴。此外,我司业务已拓展到东南亚、中东乃至北非,并逐步向欧美地区发展。       我司总部及生产基地座落于广州番禺区石基镇,厂区地占5000多平方米,还在海南设有加工基地。广州地处华南中心,毗邻盛产热带水果的广东、广西、福建和海南等地,丰富的水果资源、便利的交通和发达的信息,使我司具有得天独厚的优势,为公司的规模生产和良性发展提供了坚实的基础。       我司自成立之初便引进先进的研发、生产设备和工艺,生产流程采用全封闭的管道系统,建立了一整套先进的质量保证体系,目前已获得食品卫生许可证和QS食品质量认证。此外,公司严格按照GMP和ISO9000、ISO22000的相关要求对产品质量、安全生产管理等方面进行全方位监控。         我司拥有一支责任心强的专业研发、生产管理队伍,强大的产品技术开发能力和严格的生产管理是我司的立足之本。        Guangzhou Marmetta Food Co., Ltd., is a Sino-Singaporean Joint Venture, It’s mainly specialized in the research, processing,production and sales of fruit jam ,fruit particles or granulates.Clients are all over China . We are the long term supplier and cooperator designated by Mengniu, Yili,Haolilai, etc., which are the most famous factories in dairy drnks and food industry.Besides in China ,our business has expanded abroad , such as South-east Asia, the Middle East and Noth Africa,approaching Europe and America step by step .              The headquarter and the production base are located in Shiji Town, Panyu District ,covering an area of more than 5,000square meters, apart from the processing base in Hainan Island.Guangzhou,geographically the center of South-east of China, surrounded by Guangdong Province,Guangxi Province,Fujian Province and Hainan Island,which have abundant resources of tropical fruits, facilityated transportation and advanced information. All these great advantages have laid out solid foundation for the production in scales and healthy development of the Company.             Immediately after the founding, the company has introduced advanced laboratory equipment, modernized production machines and new technology, the whole working process is in a closed circuit piping system. By now, the company has acquired Food Sanitary Certificate as well as the National QS Quality Certificate. The product quality as well as the production management are fully supervised under the requirement of GMP and ISO9000、ISO22000.           We have a professional team of research and management with full responsibility. Powerful capability in the development of new technology as well as strict production management are the basic but advantaged conditions of the company.目前我司开发和生产的产品有:果酱:    产品特性说明:以上产品采用100%新鲜成熟水果肉和高级进口原料精制而成。口感新鲜自然,保持了水果原有的酸甜口味,广泛应用于;,冰淇淋,奶昔,刨冰,冰沙,蛋糕等产品的调味和涂抹。果馅:    产品特性说明:以上产品采用100%新鲜成熟水果肉和高级进口原料经先进工艺精制而成。口感清爽润滑,原果风味,天然健康,塑型性好,广泛应用于烘焙类产品的夹心,裱饰。果粒:    产品特性说明:以上产品采用100%新鲜成熟水果肉和高级进口原料精制而成。天然健康,原果风味。广泛应用于;冰淇淋,奶茶,刨冰,果味饮料奶制品等。产品规格可按客户要求生产。菓子馅:产品特性说明:  1、本系列产品采用精选优质水果肉和高级进口原料生产。  2、产品属于水质馅料,口感清香纯滑、果肉质感强、无油腻、糊口和酸败之虞。  3、产品经特殊工艺处理,有效控制了水份活度的平衡,令产品状态、皮馅之间的水份能持久稳定;  4、产品基于美味、健康、口味清新的现代食品理念,广泛使用于法式小面包、蛋黄派、软式饼干、新式糕点等产品,是代替传统的奶油忌廉馅料;解决那种单一、腻口、不健康的最新馅料品类,品种多样,风味口感新鲜纯滑。果浆、果汁:        产品特性说明:以上产品采用100%新鲜成熟水果肉精制而成。天然健康,原果风味。广泛应用于;冰淇淋,速饮甜品,刨冰,饮料、奶制品等。产品规格、果肉含量可按客户要求生产。      以上产品原料包括芦荟、香蕉、菠萝、山楂、板粟、芒果、草莓、蓝莓、黄桃、苹果、梨、西瓜、橙子、木瓜、桑葚、葡萄、荔枝、番石榴等